Since October 2022, I am Chargé de Recherche at Inria Saclay, in the ASCII team.
In 2021-2022, I was a postdoctoral researcher at Princeton University, in the ORFE department.
I obtained my PhD at Inria Sophia-Antipolis, under the direction of Etienne Tanré and Romain Veltz, in the TOSCA team.
I am interested in the analysis of large assemblies of interacting particles/agents.
I am studying mathematically models of spiking neurons, where the dynamics of each neuron is stochastic and can be described using point/jump processes.
In the limit of large networks, the model is of mean-field type (McKean-Vlasov equation).
I am analyzing the long time behavior of these objects, using both probabilistic and deterministic tools.
I am also interested in the analysis of mean-field games and McKean-Vlasov control problems.